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"ConFUSE Them" Bracelet

"ConFUSE Them" Bracelet

SKU: 23KU0525015

handmade leather rope and chain bracelet with repurposed glass/hardware charm & metal clasp.

  • "A Fool Uttereth All His Mind"

    When you are faced with false accusations and harassing comments, it may seem instinctive to want to defend yourself. Whether or not you are successful in doing so, the experience is mentally exhausting and destructive. Instead, focus on YOU and keep private whatever actual facts about your life that you can. The less people know about you, the less they can distort. Recognize just how inaccurate the abusive statements made are and stop trying to defend yourself from them. If they are absurd, good. LET IT BE. Remember, they want you to react, so don't. Let THEM get frustrated. The truth ALWAYS comes out and when it does, YOU aren't the one who is going to look RIDICULOUS - they will. So laugh, and stay strong. You can do this. #rabbitssayribbot

  • Handle With Care

    This product contains glass components. To prevent injury, take care to avoid contact that might cause the glass to break.

  • Subtle Differences

    This product is handmade with repurposed hardware. Please allow for variations in color, size, condition, etc. To ensure customer satisfaction, these variations will be subtle.

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